, tags Hamas Frees 17 Israeli Hostages Inciting Temporary Truce
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Hamas Frees 17 Israeli Hostages Inciting Temporary Truce

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

By Nilaris Roberts

Palestinian hostages celebrate as they are reunited with their family and fellow citizens. (November 26 2023 REUTERS/Ammar Awad)

Politics - Global Conflict

In today's Trash Talk, we're discussing global conflicts plaguing the world with divisiveness.

Thirteen Israelis and four Thai nationals were released from Hamas captivity in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, mediated by Egypt and Qatar. The truce faced a threat due to a dispute over aid delivery into Gaza, highlighting the fragility of the agreement. Six of the released Israelis were women, and seven were children and teenagers. The hostages are on their way to Israeli hospitals, reuniting with their families.

Israel released 39 Palestinians in return. The release followed the initial swap the day before, and the deal was at risk when Hamas demanded aid trucks into northern Gaza. High-stakes diplomacy, involving Qatar, Egypt, and U.S. President Biden, ensured the deal persisted.

Israel stated the ceasefire could extend if Hamas released at least 10 hostages daily, with a potential for up to 100 hostages to be freed. Of course, some families experienced mixed emotions as not all hostages were released.


Emily Hand (right) reunites with her father, Tom Hand, in the early hours of November 26, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)

Amongst the recently released was Emily Hand, a nine year old Israeli girl. Her family says in a statement:

"We are overjoyed to embrace Emily again, but at the same time, we remember Raya Rotem and all the hostages who have yet to return"


Palestinians also were joyed at the release of their people from Israeli captivity. Naturally still feeling ambivalent feelings as they have endured so much already and are unsure of what is to come.

Pictured above is Shorouk Dwayyat, 19 years old. (Samidoun)

"I feel like I am in a dream, but I hope that the war on Gaza will stop as soon as possible,"

says Shorouk Dwayyat, a recently released hostage who had just served 8 out of 16 years as a hostage, told Al Jazeera TV.

This could be a good sign for both sides in the hopes of peace amongst the world.


Reporting by Emily Rose, Bassam Masoud, James Mackenzie, Maayan Lubell, Emma Farge, Aidan Lewis, Adam Makary, Nidal al-Mugrabi and Moaz Abd-Alaziz; Additional reporting by Ali Sawafta in Ramallah, Sybille de La Hamaide, Jeff Mason, Humeyra Pamuk.

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